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Band of Brothers

Division creation


Process Aim: To outline the creation of a division in WolfPack
Who is this process for? Rank of private or above
Date Created: 2014-03-22
Date Revised: never
Version: 1.1
Additional Information: Running a core division is A LOT of work and over 80% of that work is NOT fun - do not consider a division unless you plan on putting in the effort.


  1. Talk to a forum administrator about getting a forum board created in the "Games we Play" section of the forums - before a game can become an division it must be a game we play.
  2. Start to talk amongst the players online on whether they would like it to become a division, & work out who will be the CO, 2IC & RO.
  3. Get a player list up-to-date in the forum board provided.
  4. Document the above in your forum board so it is clear to all WolfPack to see.
  5. In addition to the above there should be the following documentation events: Routine activities that are planned, short and long term goals of the core division and divisional code of conduct.
  6. After all this is done, visit the C.I.C for discussion about the goals of the game - be prepared to answer as many question as possible.
  7. If the C.I.C approves the division, then division assets will be assigned - if not approved, changes might need to be made.


  1. min 9 brand new members plus the person who wishes to setup the operation equaling 10 people in total - people already in WolfPack does not count.
  2. a command structure with the following output:
    • Division name: «usually the person who wishes to setup the operation name»
    • CO: «usually the person who wishes to setup the operation»
    • 2IC: «the person who is second in charge»
    • RO: «the person who will be handling the in game recruitment»
    • Routine activities that are planned
    • Short and long term goals of the core division
    • Divisional code of conduct

v6.6.0.0 - created: $Date: 2008-12-13; updated: $Date: 2019-08-04$; E&OE - a special thanks to Brainiac//, Dutchman, Foxhound, Pheniixx (Blacky), PocketMouse, Poita, Commander Cork for their assistance