What could a group of gamers online possibly offer that could benefit you?
Officially: Nothing.
WolfPack promises NOTHING and offers NOTHING and has NO benefits.
Un-officially if WolfPack were to offer something it would be the same as what life offers -
"a chance".
It is up to each individual to decide what to do with that chance. The same goes for WolfPack.
Some people say the following is offered by WolfPack:
WolfPack is not for everyone, and rest assured that WolfPack is far from perfect, but we continue to strive for perfection after all the times we have stumbled and fallen.
WolfPack will make mistakes now and in the future, just as it has been done in the past, and we make no apologies for this because WolfPack knows that without knowing defeat and failure, we cannot know victory and success - they come hand in hand.