WolfPack Complaint Resolution
WolfPack prizes itself on all aspects of it's mighty empire. We strive for an idea that has never been thought of before!
Sadly we are not perfect and are prone to mistakes and errors. We try to encourage only the best from ourselves(i.e members, website, servers etc).
For the fastest response to your complaint your best option is to register for our
Forums and post there.
Should you wish to remain anonymous, please send an email to WolfPack.
As you can imagine, different complaints might have different requirements, see below for specific's of supporting any complaints
We will endeavor to resolve complaints as soon as possible.
Complaints - Members
If you feel that a WolfPack member has done wrong, or feel that they have NOT represented themselves in the best way possible and you
have a complaint about it, then we wish to know about it!
In order to do anything about your complaint we require supporting evidence, below is an outline of what should be included in your complaint:
- Your gaming handle (the name you play under)
- Which game you were playing in
- The estimated date/time of the event
- punkbuster ID of the person - provided in a screenshot
- Full description of the complaint
- Screenshot of what was happening (note: if the action was via voice, you require either a witness to the event or a fraps recording)
Complaints - Website
In order to do anything about your complaint we need to identify the page causing the concern, below is an outline of what should be included in your complaint:
- Your gaming handle (the name you play under)
- The estimated date/time of the event
- URL of the page (what page you were on)
- Full description of the complaint
- Screenshot of the page - if possible
- Steps to recreate the problem(if applicable)
Complaints - Servers
In order to do anything about your complaint we need to identify the server causing the concern, below is an outline of what should be included in your complaint:
- Your gaming handle (the name you play under)
- The estimated date/time of the event
- Which server you were playing on
- Full description of the complaint
- punkbuster ID of the person (if applicable) - provided in a screenshot
- Screenshot of the event
Complaints - Other
If any of the above does not fit your complaint criteria then you are more then welcome to file a general complaint please include the following
- Your gaming handle (the name you play under)
- The estimated date/time of the event
- Full description of the complaint
- punkbuster ID of the person - provided in a screenshot
- Screenshot of the event
Complaints Handling
All complaints are to be handled in a serious manner and thoroughly investigated.
- The person who is making the complaint must be assessed for credibility
- The complaint must be assessed for credibility and must contain who the complaint is about plus supporting evidence
- appropriate action is taken based on the result of the finding
Questions we will be asking is the following:
- Who was the complaint about?
- How do we know it was the correct person?
- How do we know the person making the complaint is credible? (respectable, honest)
- What is the past history of the person who the complaint is about?
- What is the story from the person who the complaint is about?
- What evidence is available? (Screenshots, recordings etc)
- Has the person confessed to doing the wrong thing?
- Is the person who is making the complaint just here to make trouble?
- Is the offence punishable?
- Was there any witnesses? - obtain all details about this.